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A Season for New Growth

By Christy Lamagna CMP, CMM, CTSM

season for new growth

Throughout 2019 this space is dedicated to strategically aligning yourself to your goals and creating a plan to achieve them. Your life goals and new growth can be attained the same way strategic events are achieved; by following my five-step strategic plan. And when you think about it, it makes perfect sense, because isn’t life the ultimate event?

January focused on stretching beyond comfort zones, getting out of our own way, being willing to take risks and do the work required to accomplish it. February was about visualizing what you imagine when you think to the future and picture your ‘successful’ you and explored things you could do now to step into that role. March’s piece focused on creating behaviors that are congruent to the person you want to evolve into.

The rebirth of plants for those parts of the country with four seasons makes it easy to understand why April is synonymous with growth, new beginnings, fresh perspective and in many ways, anticipation and hope. Religious holidays echo the spirit of rebirth. So, what better way to spend the month than in sync with all that April symbolizes?

What are you actively doing to make the changes you want? Are you glancing at these columns, agreeing that the ideas are good, that you ‘should do some of this stuff’ and then moving on to the frenetic list of activities that fill your life, personally and/or professionally? Are you doing the work or is it business as usual with the first quarter of the year forever in the past?

It takes a concerted effort to stop the tidal wave that comprises most of our days. We are so busy doing that we tell ourselves we don’t have time for change and new growth. Or as someone clever once said, “I’m too busy to get any work done.”

Are you busy or are you productive? Are you making choices or are you being swept away by a torrent of demands and to-do lists that you stopped questioning and have just given yourself over to?

A colleague just posted a simple but clever idea that fits perfectly with taking the opportunity to make change, start new behaviors, and be more conscious about how your time is spent: Instead of focusing entirely on “to do” lists, create a “Ta-Da!” list which details your accomplishments for the day, or week. If what you are doing isn’t worth being on the “Ta Da!” list, you are likely better putting your efforts elsewhere.

So why not take the next few weeks to work on the “Ta Da!” list. Put your energy into things you’ll be proud of having accomplished, that move the needle personally and/or professionally and that will make a difference as we move into spring.

The new growth that surrounds us is beautiful and should be appreciated and savored, but it should not be the only new growth that is in our lives. Making changes that foster growth is a gift for all seasons.

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