In Articles, Core Event Tasks, On-Site Procedures, Resources

Even In The Worst Of Times, Strategic Planners Come Through

By Christy Lamagna, CMP, CMM, CTSM, and James S. Rota

It’s an occupational hazard to be called on to assist a friend or family member with a party, fundraiser or gathering of some sort. Strategic planners come with a natural ability to organize and a work ethic to follow through, and are a wonderful resource to any event host in need of capable hands. I don’t mind sharing tips or moonlighting occasionally, but I’ve never taken much pride in doing so. Until this month.

Strategic planners come with a natural ability to organize and a work ethic to follow through, and are a wonderful resource to any event host in need of capable hands. Even In The Worst Of Times, Strategic Planners Come ThroughIn two days, my small town was shaken by two tragic deaths – a beloved coach who died suddenly and a 3- year old-boy with brain cancer. Someone I knew died the previous week. In each instance, the community joined together to handle the myriad logistics surrounding preparations. People arranged food donations and created a calendar so others could sign up to make meals. Food allergies were listed, as were the exact menus being delivered to avoid duplication.

The number of people attending one funeral was so vast that a tent was set up to accommodate the overflow. Bottles of water were iced hours in advance for those who’d have to listen to the service outside. Police blocked streets and stood watch, directing traffic and helping people find parking. EMTs stood by. Crossing guards helped people cross the intersections. Some mourners trekked a mile to get from parking to the service.

So many flowers were sent that they didn’t fit inside the church, spilling into the parking lot. Someone thought to remove the cards so the family would know who had sent the arrangements. Others handled post-service preparations, making sure mourners could pass easily from the funeral to a nearby restaurant and share a meal.

All the while, others collected money for the family and helped sort through details that needed to be faced despite profound grief. The effort of all provided a small piece of comfort at a time when few actions could help and no words could console.

Every single person who volunteered, donated or helped in any way made a huge difference. The families may not know what they did or even know who they are, but they joined together to help.

Anyone can volunteer to help plan something festive and then celebrate and toast to a job well done. My hat is forever off to the people who stepped forward to help under terrible circumstances and despite their own grief, all with the unspoken understanding that without a well-thought-out plan, something awful would be even worse.

I’ve never been so proud of the skills that make me a planner and the people who make it all happen.


Tags: Even In The Worst Of Times Planners Come Through, Event Planners, Strategic Planners, Event Planning, Planners Come Through, Plan Your Meetings

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