Six Ideas for Quality Social Media Content – Socialize with Purpose
By Christy Lamagna CMP, CMM, CTSM

We’ve all read articles on maximizing our presence on social media which makes it harder for pieces like this one to prove useful but that’s why we’re in SPIN; because new information is always being cultivated and shared, and hopefully this article is no exception.
- #Eventprofshoutout: this hashtag not only spreads good mojo; it was started by SPIN’s own Dahlia El Gazzar. When you send a “thank you” out to the social media Universe, the person you’re sending it to appreciates it and that should be enough, but the bonus is that person usually retags the post and gives you a high five right back. It’s a wonderful way to get to know someone in the industry who you have yet to meet by sending a post of thanks for their inspiration, a kudos on a recent article or positive feedback of any sort that’s relevant. And the good karma thing, that’s the real bonus.
- If you have a subject you want to write on, Google it. You’ll get a list of the most asked questions on Google related to that topic, so VOILA!, you know how to tailor your content. For instance, I just Googled, “food allergies” and this is what I got back:
People also ask
- What are the 10 most common allergies?
- What are three symptoms of a food allergy?
- What are the 14 food allergens?
- How long do food allergy symptoms last?
Now you can tailor your content to what you know is the most sought-after information on your topic. Same amount of work to create the piece with an exponentially greater chance of getting new eyeballs.
- Use LinkedIn as a search engine. Go to their search bar and select “content” and then enter your topic. See who is writing what and find new people to follow, inspire, learn from and then add to your network of collaboration.
- LinkedIn uses how many people react and comment to your posts when they measure your influence. Take three minutes a day to react to what other people are posting and ask others to do the same for you. Bonus points if you ask a question and then acknowledge those who replied and/or tag someone who you noticed via tip 3, above and get that relationship going in the process.
- Don’t sell to people. PLEASE don’t reach out to people after they have connected with you and ask them to buy your product. Offer an opportunity to connect, share who you know who may be useful to them, suggest a piece of content they may find relevant, share a story that may start to warm the relationship. We’re all busy but one thing that we still pay attention to is sincerity, generosity and warmth.
- React to SPIN posts. We are a tight-knit bunch and we support each other. Join in our conversations and invite us to join yours. You’ll not only boost your social media status, you’ll boost your happiness quota to boot!
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