In TasteBuzz A New Adventure in Every Bite, What's Buzzing

Pasta Water Reuse Hacks

pasta-water-reuse-hacksIf you love pasta as much as we do, this month’s Buzz is just for you! We love this tip because every time we can create an ‘’Ah-ha’ moment around food, the world becomes a tastier place. If you pour cooked pasta water down the drain while straining, you are cheating yourself of tons of goodness!

Starchy pasta water can be put to work for a multitude of other uses.  Check out these reuse hacks…

It is ideal for making bread and pizza dough. It already has salt in it and the mild flavor will enhance your dough.

Once totally cooled down, it’s wonderful for watering your houseplants, as is just about any water you may use for boiling not only pasta, but potatoes and other vegetables. They’re full of nutrients that your plants will thank you for.

It’s perfect for making pesto sauces. It’s full of flavor and the starch in it will act as a bonding agent, helping to prevent your other ingredients from separating.

Is your hair looking dull and lifeless? It is said that soaking your hair in pasta water for 10 minutes will help restore its luster. Simply shampoo as normal after the soak!

As a foot soak it is said to have wonderful soothing qualities. Simply warm the water back up to a comfortable temperature and pour into a soaking bowl. The heat and minerals will help to sooth your aching feet.

All this from the pasta water many of us have been throwing away. Who knew it had so many pastabillities?

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