Squeeze and Level Measuring Spoons
Do your measuring tools measure up? Baking for ourselves and those we love should be fun and rewarding but the science behind the baking process can be complicated. Too much of this and not enough of that often lead to unworthy bakes. For the sake of accuracy and baking bliss, we introduce to you, the Squeeze and Level Measuring Spoons. These colorful and clever spoons are about to earn a permanent spot in your kitchen. They’re simple to use; just put the spoon into the ingredient you need and then squeeze the handle. Excess ingredients are instantly returned to their container and the perfect amount of ingredients are in your bowl.
The stackable set comes with everything you need for standard baking: 1 tbsp, 1 tsp, 1/2 tsp, 1/4 tsp spoons with large, easy to read measurements that also include their metric
equivalent. And, like most things, they’re available on Amazon.
Here’s to your baking success!