In Articles, Personal and Career Dev, Resources, Strategic Planning

.Events Is Here, But Is Anyone Taking Notice?

By Christy Lamagna, CMP, CMM, CTSM

On June 11, 2014, the generic top-level domain list (gTLD) added a new listing to its options for URL suffixes. Those are the .com, .gov, .net parts of an email. Added to the list was “.events”. When my IT guru told me the news, I immediately asked him to log on to our domain provider’s site and reserve multiple .events URLs for my various companies and future endeavors. I reserved names that were highly desirable and that I imagined would be sought by many.

Finally my clunky old URL — — was traded in for the sleek Even 15 years ago when I founded Strategic Meetings & Events, “” was taken. To this day, the folks holding it won’t sell it without a five-figure payment. So I’ve dealt with spelling out my email to just about every person I have spoken to on the phone since September 2001. That’s a whole lot of time spent on an otherwise useless effort. So I was thrilled to be on the waiting list for the names, content in the knowledge that I had beaten the masses to the punch.

I’ve often heard the phrase, “it’s lonely at the top.” I’m living that experience. I never thought that with the number of planners, independent contractors, third-party providers, publications and vendors in the industry that I’d be out here alone. Lonely is one thing. Solitary is another.

On June 11, 2014, the generic top-level domain list (gTLD) added a new listing to its options for URL suffixes. Those are the .com, .gov, .net parts of an email. Added to the list was ".events". .Events Is Here, But Is Anyone Taking Notice?Not only are people in general completely unaware of the new gTLD, many sites won’t accept the information as a valid address. Perhaps that’s because no one is talking about it. I’m not sure why this news hasn’t made more of a splash. I thought it was a big deal when I found out. I was so proud to be at the front of the line. Had I looked over my virtual shoulder I would have realized there was no line.

Now, instead of sharing conversation with fellow “.event-ers,” I’m spending a tremendous amount of time explaining that I did not forget the .com in my information and that it has been replaced by .events. I then confirm that, yes, I am serious and yes, it’s a legitimate address. So I’m still spending more time than ideal on the phone discussing and explaining my email and URL information. I take comfort in that at least now the conversation makes me feel cool.

So, let’s get some traction and let the world know we’ve got a domain of our own. Log on to your preferred domain provider (Google it if you don’t have one) and register today. It’s inexpensive, it takes only a moment to do, and conversion is relatively easy. Not to mention you will likely get your first choice. If you’ve looked for a .com address in the past several years, you know that isn’t easy to do. Please join me in the .events world sooner than later. It’s lonely out here. When you do, email me your new URL, and I’ll visit your site.

You can find me at or on twitter @SMEChristy.


Tags: .Events Is Here But Is Anyone Taking Notice,  Strategic Planners, Strategic Planner, Strategic Planning, Event Planning, Event Planners, Strategic Events, Meetings, Events, Corporate Meetings, Corporate Events, Plan Your Meetings

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