In Personal and Career Dev, Podcasts, Resources, Strategic Planning

Meetings Podcast: Why Christy Lamagna Says, “There’s More To It”

Mike McAllen sits down with Christy Lamagna is the CEO and Chief Strategist of Strategic Meetings & Events. Having started in the industry 26 years ago, Christy has seen the industry grow and evolve, and contributes to teaching, coaching and mentoring others in the field. Meetings Podcast: Why Christy Lamagna Says,Mike McAllen sits down with Christy Lamagna is the CEO and Chief Strategist of Strategic Meetings & Events, which produces mid to large sized corporate events, worldwide. Having started in the industry 26 years ago, Christy has seen the industry grow and evolve, and contributes to teaching, coaching and mentoring others in the field. She has taught strategic planning for ten years at the college level, writes for numerous industry publications, speaks at conferences and works with a select group as a professional coach. Listen to this Meetings Podcast to learn, Why Christy Lamagna Says, “There’s More To It”.

Christy is writing a textbook for the planning industry which is expected out at the beginning of 2018.

Quotes from the interview

“Best thing about running is stopping.” – Christy Lamagna

“People say they are thinking they want to be a event planner after holding a dinner party. I ask them did they make dinner last night? So you are also going to open a restaurant?” —Christy Lamagna




Tags: Meetings Podcast Why Christy Lamagna Says There’s More To It, Meetings Podcast, Christy Lamagna, Strategic Planning, Strategic Planners, Strategic Events, Event Planning, Corporate Events, Corporate Meetings, Grass Shack Road, MeetingsNet

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