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100 People In 100 Days And Thousands Of Stories

By Christy Lamagna, CMP, CMM, CTSM

Humans are such interesting creatures. No two lives are identical. Our unique stories define, shape and guide us, yet we spend little time acknowledging these intricate moments and experiences. 100 People In 100 Days — And Thousands Of StoriesHumans are such interesting creatures. No two lives are identical. Our unique stories define, shape and guide us, yet we spend little time acknowledging these intricate moments and experiences. Perhaps we’re too busy to slow down and share our stories. Perhaps since so few seem interested in listening, we just move forward.

The result: missed opportunities. For individuals, the opportunity is for introspection and discovering ways to live fuller lives. For those around us, it’s an opportunity to have meaningful conversations and enjoy all that comes with them.

We meet hundreds of people but know precious few. We have stopped seeking or have completely forgotten the irreplaceable feeling of that internal “click” when we truly connect with another person.

I like the “click.” I’m fascinated by what others can teach me. I want to hear their stories. So a few months ago I decided to meet 100 people in 100 days. I hit a few bumps, but overall the plan worked and I’m better for the effort. I’m sharing three of my stories in hopes of inspiring you to create and share your own.

I met Tommy while waiting for a delayed flight. He created a company that blends his love of sports, networking and coaching. Tommy follows his passion nationwide and makes a wonderful living. His strategic vision, professionalism and business approach echo mine, but his approach is with a sports mentality, which is completely alien to me. It was as if I saw someone else wearing my clothes. Everything he said was so familiar yet all so different. I learned more from that conversation than I can quantify. Best flight delay I’ve had in a long time.

I’ve seen Marci in passing for a decade. Occasions to speak have presented themselves countless times. Each time, I actively ignored them. My 100 in 100 inspired me to change that. Marci is the anthesis of me. The mere idea of talking to her made me uncomfortable. It turn out that under all the external noise lies a creative genius with a warm heart and a beautiful outlook.

Through her generosity, I have met dozens of people who have shared stories of their own. Outwardly, Marci and I still have nothing in common, yet we’ve become wonderful friends. Our new friendship reminds me that opportunity lies behind apprehension and fear.


Humans are such interesting creatures. No two lives are identical. Our unique stories define, shape and guide us, yet we spend little time acknowledging these intricate moments and experiences. 100 People In 100 Days — And Thousands Of StoriesGeorge and Lori Gonzales-George is a soft-spoken, humble man with a spark in his eye that begets his quiet manner. I met him at a conference and set out to hear his story. George invented a new approach to medicine that changes people’s lives without drugs or surgery. His inspiration came when his wife was injured and was told that as a result, she would not walk or be able to have children.

Modern medicine left it at that. George was unwilling to do the same. He set to work and Quantum Neurology was born. I’m working with George to get his message out so he can share his brilliance. I’ve experienced the power of Quantum Neurology firsthand and can’t even begin to describe its healing power. George is the embodiment of so much love, warmth and goodness that whenever I’m with him I feel better. I can’t imagine a time when I didn’t know him and am so glad that this is no longer the case.

I have 97 more stories. Not all were fascinating but each was worth the time. I’m going to continue the process and capture the stories for a book I’m writing. If you’d like to be a part of it, email me at Or take your own 100 in 100 challenge, or 10 in 10. Let me know how it goes. I’d like to hear your story!


Tags: 100 People In 100 Days And Thousands Of Stories, Networking, Business, Stories, Success Stories, Career Networking, Strategic Planners, Strategic Events, Plan Your Meetings

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